Death of a Superhero

A Family's Story about Courage, Bravery and the Defining Moments of LOVE

Our sweet, lil' baby love lost his battle to AML Leukemia on March 8, 2010. We fought long, hard and very aggressively for 2.5 years, only to have his cancer come back for the fourth time to finally take his life. He was only 3 years old.

This entire blog is about Hunter's amazing journey. It's about his life and his love......his determination and his courage.......his absolutely, brilliant personality, and the affect he's had on people all over the world.

He's left an unimaginable footprint on this earth and has changed the lives of thousands of individuals. People who didn't realize how precious life was, now live it with extreme gratefulness. People who took every minute they get to spend with their children for granted, now savor every last second. And people who weren't quite sure what love is all about, now love deeper, love stronger and love with every ounce of their soul.

People all around the world have shared their love, their well wishes, their prayers and their inspiration, and we could have NEVER achieved as much as we did without them. We are humbled by their generosity & their true friendships & are forever grateful for every last person that has come into our lives through our experience with Hunter. He was our precious baby love who we loved and cherished with all our hearts and we are forever crushed and terribly, broken-hearted.

Dance in the clouds baby cakes. Mom & dad are watching proudly & you will remain so very close to our hearts for all of eternity.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hunter's "Derby Cocktail" East Coast Fundraiser

I've attached a link to the invitation to 
It will be held at 

Dantanna's in Buckhead in Atlanta on Saturday, 
May 2nd from 5 - 8pm 
- that's a week from this Saturday!! 

It sounds extremely cool with 
unlimited appetizers & an open bar 
with the Kentucky Derby on the big screens and a bunch of 
UGA Georgia Bulldogs and others!
(A donation of $25-$50 is suggested at the door).

There is also a Silent Auction, so anyone that has any product, tickets, cool things that they'd like to donate to help raise money - please shoot me an email @ . The gifts would have to be shipped out on Monday to be received and checked-in by the event.


The event is being produced by one of my Georgia Volleyball teammates who REALLY knows how to throw a I'm positive it will be a BLAST!

I will also be attending for the evening, 
(as long as Hunter's condition allows me)...........and 
I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!

Thanks guys for all that you do for me.
Luv U.

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