The famous quote……..
"Anything is possible. You can be told that you have a 90-percent chance or a 50-percent chance or a 1-percent chance, but you have to believe, and you have to fight."
Lance ArmstrongThese thoughts and prayers are making an amazing difference as we heal Hunter. They are greatly appreciated and we will remember them forever.
CALIFORNIAI just wanted to say that on behalf of Sophaleena and myself that we found it a privilege to be with you two last night. The courage and dignity in which both of you have held yourselves during such a trying time is so admirable, and operates on a level that we have never seen. I know that there is not much we can do from our end except lend our support, love, and good energy. So, stay strong and keep up the positive vibrations. We will see this through!!!
Love, Ira and Sophaleena"I just wanted to say that you guys are amazing. You both have inspired me on so many levels through-out the years, and it never ends. Thank You for existing".
CherNo matter what we promise to be praying for you through this Christmas...
Your story and attitudes are inspirational and I am so impressed with the way that you are choosing to move through this. My heart breaks for you. I am sitting here with tears running uncontrollably out of my eyes and I am not a crier. I will be praying for you and your family, not just as an after thought or a quick flash prayer. I will be begging on my knees for you and your little boy. For his comfort and peace, his health, his care and that he will be a warrior through this.
The Wilcox FamilyTears come often to his parents as well as all who know and love this family but are quickly changed to smiles as we have all decided that the best medicine is to pray, think positive, support each other and bring Hunter out of this in good health. We Know That We Can Do This With Enough Love and Prayers!!!
There is a long road ahead as Hunter has just begun his 6-month journey of chemotherapy treatments... So please keep him in your hearts & prayers. For those who'll pray, No Prayer is Too Big:-) !!!! And keep 'em comin'!! Please pass this on to those who you know will do the same!!! Thank you, God Bless & Merry Christmas!
The Hirsch'sGod Is going to bless you always. You have a strong boy with lots of love. stay strong!!
Wendolyn Thank you for having so much spirit and courage to give friends like us an update nearly every day on your blog. We are thinking of you EVERY DAY, and we pray for healing and health for Hunter. He is the CUTEST and BRAVEST boy I've ever seen!
MattHunter is such an amazing little boy...all of you have touched our lives in such a special, positive way. Everyday we anxiously await e-mails giving us updates on Hunters progress. Thank you for making us a part of your family and taking the time to keep us informed. All of you are in our prayers daily. We cheer on his progress and thank God that Hunter is so loved.
Lotsa love, Matt and Ann MarieWe've been thinking about you, Lenore and sweet Hunter so much recently. I've been following the website and our prayers are with you. My mother is praying in Buffalo everyday too. I'm going to send you an invitation to Amelia's birthday party. I told her about Hunter and we've planned a donation box for Hunter for her party. The prayers continue and the consciousness of all involved will shower him and you with love and strength.
Love,Mary KayJoel and I send you three our heartfelt prayers and blessings. We will be with you in spirit always… wishing you peace and good health and special hugs and kisses to Hunter for a speedy recovery…
Love,Judy and Joel and Katy and Davy……xxxxooooI'm so glad he had a better day! The three of you are amazing together, and you're all going to get
through this. We are thinking of you A LOT. Michelle is a Buddhist, and she is chanting up a storm.
Matt and MichelleI think about the two of you and your beautiful son all of the time.
My husband and I are keeping him in our prayers for health and good healing.
Please keep me posted.
Love, GiannaPositive thoughts in your direction. Peace,
DaveGod bless you all.
Paul You all are nearly constantly on my mind and always in my heart. I love you dearly and wish you healing of the purest form as you and Hunter continue your battle. Stay your best. I shall continue to send my healing vibrations of love from where I am. Peace & Blessings always,
LouLenore had mentioned that Hunter has to have blood transfusions every once in a while. If you want to use any of my blood, let me know. I am B+ and also CMV negative. And lastly, I have to tell you, I had a good feeling leaving the hospital. I had and still have the feeling he is going to be fine in the end. I don't know why, I just have that feeling. Maybe it was Lenore being so positive, or maybe it is the hospital he is in.
Keep me posted. And let us know if you need or want anything.
Tom (and Nic and Pepper)How tragic and heartbreaking, Patrick and I will say many prayers for them…. I would love to be a part of a prayer circle if you start one via email for them….
Linda My heart goes out to you and your son and I know that God just would not take Hunter away from such amazing loving parents that you two have shown to be. I am so so, so sorry to hear this news. Please know that we are here in whatever way we can be for you,
BeckyI so admire how you are handling this and sharing it all in such a touching and educational way. All of our good thoughts are with you here at BBA and Hunter will flourish and prosper in life because of your loving and persistent fight. :)
DeniceZen and Lenore and Hunter, I was deeply saddened to hear this news. You are all in our thoughts and our prayers. Leukemia can be overcome. I know someone who was told he has no chance to live and now, they cannot even find a trace of him ever having it, ever. We are praying for you.
Yvette and ShantZen, Sorry to hear the terrible news about your son Hunter. Wishing you guys all the best for the treatment and recovery. We have Hunter in our thoughts. Anything we can do to help please do not hesitate to contact me. Take Care. Peace
AjayI will be sending my prayers.
Sara I'm away for the holidays but not a day has passed that you aren't in my thoughts and prayers. I don't know if you are religious at all (I'm not so much) but during my treatment I used to call a prayer hotline. It really gave me peace of mind. All you do is call and they'll ask what you would like to pray about. They will say a prayer to you over the phone and then will keep praying for the next 30 days. I used to call them on the days of my treatments or when I was feeling really helpless. I had no idea how much it would help. They really make you feel like there is something bigger out there guiding you every step of the way. Anyway, I hope you and Zen and Hunter are hanging tough! I love the blog. Love,
ChristineNorma and I hope spirits are high - we have been keeping up with Hunters blog and continue to pray for Hunter's recovery, our thoughts are always with you guys...
Elie I was on your blog earlier this week and I read about your son. My heart is absolutely bleeding for your family right now - I can not begin to image the pain you must be in. I just want to know that your family is in my thoughts and prayers. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you and your family or any questions - I am not only a photographer but I am also a nurse and I have amazing resources. God Bless!
Thanks for sharing - my continued prayers are with you. Undergoing chemo myself - I know it is tough and I am glad to know he is tolerating it well.
PatriceHe looks fabulous! What a stud! He doesn't look sick! His smile made my day. Hang in there...keep the hope! Prayer and hope works miracles! Much love,
Joanne I always knew you had a beautiful heart and it was certainly on display at the sake tasting. I am sorry that heart is being tested. I think of Hunter every day and see him whole and healthy.
DaphneOur thoughts and prayers are with your family. Keep that positive energy and keep him laughing :)
Matt and Ann MarieI wanted to tell you and Lenore that my prayers go out to you for Hunter in hopes that he gets better. My deepest wishes to you both.
BrianWe have not met, but we are also parents of a one year old. Our heart breaks for you. We are praying for you and sweet baby Hunter.
Chrissy & Aaron Florence Hunter is a strong soul and we are pulling for him every day!! Go Hunter GO!!! Xo
Molly & ClayWe were honored to be there, happy to see you guys, and make a pray for the little man every night. Hugs and kisses to Hunter and love and prayers to you and Zen. Please let us know if there is ANYTHING we can do.XOXO,
Mendy and StuartYou are all in our prayers……
Bob & Gail & FamilyGot the link to your site from Becker's Blog. Wanted to let you know that our hearts and thoughts are with you as you face the days ahead. Cancer changes your life forever...it is so hard to adjust to the new normal your life will become.
ShannonMy heart goes out to all of you. I will pray for Hunter to get well soon, and for you to have the strength to get through all of this. Lots of love and blessings,
Frankhi guys. i miss you and love you all. hi hunter!!!
mateo This is my first time visiting your blog and I was saddened to see you're going through such a difficult time. Keep faith! He's young and resilient, he'll pull through! Keeping you & your family in my thoughts and prayers.
AnnonymousBest wishes for Hunter from over here at Brad Buckman Photography.
Brad, Val & Jess How beautiful, Hunter is an ANGEL He will make miracles as he is a miracle in life! We will all pray for him.... Love you both,
Flora and RussellI just got word about Hunter…you guys must be out of your minds with worry. I want you to know that the three of you are in our thoughts and prayers. If there is anything you guys need, please don’t hesitate to call. I have heard that Children’s Hospital has amazing doctors and staff, I am glad that he is there and is getting the best care possible. My heart brakes for you guys…I can’t even imagine what you guys are going through right now. Please let us know if there is ANYTHING we can do. We are praying for you guys,
Nick & Brendahey zen, i was bummed that you couldn't make it the other night, but then i just read your blog. i am so sorry to hear about hunter. i will keep him in my thoughts and prayers and if there is anything i can do, please do not hesitate to call. God bless,
[ b ]It was good to see you both in such good spirits considering all that you have & still endure. I'm continuously praying for you. And I sent Mariko a "Thank You" card on your behalf, she knows you appreciate everything. Lots of love and prayer,
LauraI just heard the news about your little boy. My heart so aches with you. Lois filled me in on the details and I know he is on chemo already. Thank god they diagnosed him. These are difficult times, by my prayers are with you. I am sending prayers your way and lots of love and support to you and your husband.
Have a blessed holiday season
KerenMy thoughts and prayers are with you three right now. My Respect & Gratitude,
DanaOur positive thoughts and prayers are with you guys. xoxo,
Jenni, Jason & JulianI'm saying a prayer for Hunter. I'll check in with you some time later to see how he's doing.
Take care of yourselves and that beautiful baby.
JamieI’m so sorry to hear of this news, and I wish Hunter and your family all the strength to recover from this hardship. Please do not put me as a priority, and concentrate on your son and his wellbeing. I will certainly keep all of you in my thoughts and hope for a speedy recovery. But the fact that you have taken the time to email me is a testament to your professionalism. Best regards,
CathyHey Zen - I am so sorry about hunter. He is in our thoughts and prayers everyday… This must be so hard for you both and your families. Please let us know if he gets any better. Sincerely,
RochelMy thoughts are with you and your family and I have been sending you guys some really good energy!!!!
I can’t wait to meet you!
SarahHi Lenore--Thanks for filling me in. With some patience, the doctors will find the cause--Keep the faith and give Hunter a big ol' hug from me. He's got a wonderful spirit about him and he'll get through this. I know it must break your heart to see him suffer. I'm thinking good thoughts for you!
DorieZen, We will pray that your son is healed and that the Lord will strengthen and comfort you through this time. Wyman and I have both won battles against cancer and are here to tell you that the Lord hears prayers and can heal your son. We will let our family know so they will pray for your family also.
WymanALL of us at Here Comes The Guide, want you to know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this stressful time. Best Wishes,
Lisa, Meredith, Denise, Jennifer, Jan, Jolene, Allison, Sharon and Julia Nicola here, Tom's wife. We both are thinking of you three so much - and you are in our thoughts and prayers every day. If there is anything that we can do, run an errand or bring you food, please
ask us. I can't imagine how stressful and scary all of this is for you. Squeeze little Hunter from us - Pepper sends special hugs and kisses. And just know that you are surrounded by energy from all of us who love you guys and are pulling for some good news VERY soon. Love,
Nic, Tom and Pepper xoxoxoxoYou are in our thoughts and prayers, and we wish you the best of luck. Please keep us posted on Hunter's situation. Love,
Rob and CrystalWe love you and send you love and healing energy every day and extra for your family too! Xxxooo
Tom, Monique, Olivia & AntonHey Todd... Elif and I pray every night that Hunter gets better soon. It sounds like he's responding the treatment. Big hugs and we'll come by this week to check in.
Todd Hi Zen! I just wanted to just write you a quick note to let you know I am thinking about you and your family. I made a post on my blog about Healing Hunter and I hope you do not mind that I grabbed one of the photos from your site for it. Please let me know is you decided to do anymore fundraisers. I am sure the expenses are unbelievable. I would love to help in any way that I can. I sent a small donation on to the foundation for you. I will keep checkin the blog to check on Hunters progress. My prayers are with you and your family! You are such a strong positive person that I know you will beat this and it will be a blessing in the end. Please do not hesitate to ask for anything!
SaraI am so very sorry to hear that your little one is hurting...
You have our deepest well wishes, thoughts & prayers. We will be down in a couple weeks and if you guys are still around would love to see you and give you a hug in person. best,
Noelle & DanNot a day goes by that I don't think of all of you. All the postings were read during our holidays away and with everything we had, we sent it your way. Thoughts, energy, prayers.. The Christmas Santa looked amazing and it was with happy tears in our eyes we watched Hunter open presents. I'm so glad they allow a Santa through the ward!
I'm glad to read the compassionate letters from everyone! We are all on your side cheering Hunter through this crazy tough obstacle.
These Mamas arms are also wrapped around your boy. Every moment, everyday.
Love, MollyWe are thinking about you all and are in our prayers. Thanks for the updates...you guys are super parents and Hunter is a trooper.
It's all going to work out!
Roy, Yeni, Ricardo y Rafael OREGONI sent out a love request to a bunch of friends…So there a lot of people around the world sending Hunter love and prayers. I also added a candle to my shrine for him: one for me, one for Glenn, one for everyone else and one for Hunter. He is in good hands. We love you.
Corrin C. Phillips On this Christmas Day I find myself thinking of you and sending you all the positive energy I can tap into. Our love to the three of you,
Marilyn and FrankJust praying for you all and Hunter. Love,
JessicaI am so sorry for you guys we are thinking very positive thoughts for you all. I wish I could do something to help. I hope your families are able to be there with you both. I really am at a loss for words but I wanted to write something. I know there is nothing I can do all the way here in Portland but if there is anything even if you need to just talk at three in the morning call me. I am glad you left Hunter with no other alternative then to keep fighting. He has two parents who are very driven and strong and only something like this could stop either of you. Take care you guys all my love too the three of you.
JennTo Hunter's fine parents, I believe every child is a precious gift. We often do not know why we deserve this gift or what the future may hold but we humbly realize that children live in the present and help us remember to enjoy each and every moment that passes. Please thank Hunter for giving me a moment to reflected on my wonderful kids and that I wish very much for his health to return.Sincerely,
TomI am thinking about the three of you constantly It is good to hear you have so much support there. I check your blog daily and can not stop the tears. The photos of Hunter are so beautiful you would never guess by looking at them that there is anything wrong at all. Take care and give that little sweetie a hug from us.
Love Jennifer, Olliver , Loren We are so sorry for all that you are going through. You and Hunter are constantly in our prayers. I so wish that this was just a bad dream. Please do not hesitate to call on us for anything - and we truly mean anything. We love you and are here to be of any support we can.
Cody, Jessica & JackTENNESSEEI can only say that I am praying and I have an incredible prayer group that I will pass on the information about Hunter. I think of you often and wish I could be one of those people who could be right there for you. You are such a darling. We have a Suzie's Espresso in our Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt and when I work there I am amazed at the strength of the parents and the children! They have hope just as you and it's amazing what strength, hope, faith and love can do. So keep up the good work! I wish I could do more but just know that there is a very strong group of people here in Tennessee, KY, and West VA and down to Florida who will join in the prayer team for Hunter. With Love,
Lisa and MichaelHey you guys!! I just wanted to drop a line and say we have had you in our thoughts and prayers and I am so happy to hear that everything is going positively for Hunter. I can't imagine how hard this must have been on you but just know there are people out who care and are praying for Hunter!! Sending much love from memphis TN.
Billie, Betise and Violette Worley!! FLORIDAYou and Lenore are so special and I know that you are just what the little guy needs to get through all of this. You are all in my thoughts and prayers all the time. My every thought will be with you guys this week and I hope that even though times are tough right now, you can enjoy the time spent with each other during the holidays. I will be praying for a good week for the little guy. Know that you are loved- TONS! Miss U,
CindyGEORGIAKnow that I will be praying for Hunters complete recovery every day and I will also be praying that God gives you and Zen the strength to handle this!
JennyMy thoughts and prayers are with you both & Hunter as you go through this time. I will be rooting for a Christmas Miracle. Love,
HakEver since I read your message I have not been able to get him and your family out of my mind. My very strong thoghts are with you. He's a beautiful little boy and if he is anything like you he will definitely win this battle. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do for you and your family. Love,
Helene Lenore - Thanks for keeping everyone in the know. I think of you and wonder what point of the roller coaster you are riding at the moment. I look forward to the day you can look back on all of this and return to the dust bunnies and laundry as everyday living. But, you, as always, bring joy to each day. Keep it up and know that you've got a cluster of prayers in Atlanta, GA. The three of you are in my daily prayers. You're amazing! Hang in there,
Jill (Moore) Bochniak NEW YORKYour incredible bravery and spirit is absolutely inspiring! My heart is with you and you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong, take care of each other, and have a very blessed holiday! Best wishes,
Michael VenzorI wanted you to know that you, Zen and Hunter are in my and Connie's thoughts. He has such incredible spirit in his eyes not to mention the little munchkin is so lucky to have such positive parents. I know that such wonderful energy will help Hunter kick this thing in the butt! Know that we are sending all of our positive healing vibes as well. I know this is a tough time, so please let me know if Connie and I can do anything for you guys on the east coast! Much love and all of our best healing thoughts!
Mike & ConnieWere still thinking & praying for you guys all the time. When I told Tisha about Hunter, she told her son, Nene. He had a basketball game that night and he told her he played his best game ever. Nene told her he kept thinking about Hunter and it made him so mad. Kiss Hunter for us & squeeze him tight. Love You,
LuluZen and Lenore, We think of you almost every minute of every day. Your love for Hunter and each other will get you through this. Hunter, You’re Spirited, your Strong and you’re a Survivor. We Love you and there is nothing stronger then Grandpa praying for you!
Grandma & GrandpaI am praying for Hunter. I Love you. Please give Hunter a kiss and a caress from aunt Cheryl - I will be there next month to give him more myself. Take care of yourselves too. LOVE,
Aunt CherylI am sending my healing thoughts and prayers your way. I hope you have a joyful holiday and even though we never know why these things happen in our lives, there is always a greater good or some kind of positive meaning that can be pulled out. Please take care!
Jill LAS VEGAS, NEVADAThats great news! Take care and tell hunter he has a buddy in las vegas praying for him.
LevellARIZONADear Todd, Lenore and yes, sweet little Hunter. We send our gift along with our healing energy to help keep you healing. Hunter, your smiles are so warm and happy. How lucky your parents are to have you. Grandma Thawley keeps us on progress. Best to all in love and friendship.
Don & Shirlee LowerTEXASOur prayers are with you and Hunter. We pray that you find the best treatment for his illness and that you are able to remain strong during this tough time. You are both great parents and we know that everything will be ok. If there is anything we can do please let us know. With all of our Love and support,
Matt & JenAUSTRALIAWe love you guys and would have loved the pleasure of only three hours with you. Wish we were there. Can not wait to get a ride on with you back in USA.
John and LeisaMate, so sorry to hear that shitty news. That's just incredibly saddening, and even more so for such a tiny little being. It must have been tough trying to get it diagnosed, and after all that time finding out that it was AML Leukemia. I will be keeping you all in mind, and especially at times of meditation for absent healing.
I hope everything else is going very well for you to help alleviate the burden. and so the focus can be on Hunter. I will call you soon. I miss you too mate. Take care,
RhianAll my friends and family have been asking me to wish you guys the best of luck. I know it doesn’t mean much but just a little not to try to put a smile on your face that there are a lot of people who really wish Hunter and you guys the best. Please keep us posted!