Hunter Zen
One of the Coolest Lil' Dudes to Ever Walk the Planet.
2006 - 2010
Hi my sweet lil’ sugar pie,
Your Angel Anniversary has become a day of smiles, a day of strength, and a day full of much love and compassion. You have brought out the very best in your dad and I and we sincerely thank you for continuing to be the magnificent and magical force that you are…it’s refreshing…and it definitely keeps us on our toes.
I can’t deny that I would still rather have you here on this earth, by my side, every single moment that passes. My heart still painfully stops when I think of what we’ve lost. But I will happily, and most lovingly, accept what you have become, what you have inspired, and what you have created. Your spectacular light is a force to be reckoned with. You’ve become an extremely powerful angel.
We will always celebrate you and your life and every last bit of wonderfulness that you’ve brought into this world. Your divine guidance has been a blessing and I am eagerly awaiting your next sweet tickle to let me know what to do next…I’m sure it will be as cool as you. Blowing kisses to you and embracing your amazing, lil’ being…love you love you love you…mom.
Kristen Davis to Hunter Zen
Two years ago today the angels asked you if you would come home and play with them. Your giggle, wiggle, and unbeatable coolness will never be replaced and always missed, and it has inspired so many people to do so many great things. We love deeper, laugh harder, and cherish those we love and the times we have so much more because of you. Xoxoxo
Ezekiel Goodwin
A few years ago, a little guy stole my heart and changed my life. Two years ago today, he took a little piece of it with him. I am celebrating my little buddy today, and every day. What an amazing life. Will be doing some wiggle dancing, and dispensing smooches in Hunter's memory today. He is still one of the brightest points in the sky. Rock on, Angel Hunter.
Emily Perry Tresser
Three years ago, I found a family on Facebook through Matt Nolan. Good friends of his,who had a son battling AML leukemia. Most of you traveled with me on FB, during Hunter's journey. Today marks 2 years that he is gone. I can't even believe it. Lenore and Zen have done nothing but give back, in their time of grief and loss. I have learned so much from Lenore's strength as a mother, and Zen's love for Lenore and his family. I am so honored to call them my friends. Hunter brought so many people together.
There just aren't words. Except that I miss that lil' guy, dancing on the counters, very very much. Thinking of you so much today, Zen. Lenore, spunky lil' brother Ryder, and my angel Hunter Zen Thawley.
Give your kiddos a big hug today
Matt Nolan
We recognize today as the anniversary of Iron Hunter Zen Thawley, the sweetest, toughest, and most courageous Boy. He left the planet a few years ago, but whether you met him, followed his story, a piece of his shining spirit is smiling down on you today. We love you, Hunter!
Jodi Fung
Hunter Zen Thawley - Two years a GRADE A ANGEL. If you followed his plight on Earth, he definitely touched you through the courageousness of his parents Lenore Davis and Zen Todd, and through their efforts the Healing Hunter Foundation was born to help other families fighting for earthly breaths. A shout out to you lovelies who make the world a better place! xo
Hunter's Mom at the end of the day
Your beautiful smile and giggle echoed in our hearts all day today, and the outpouring of love and support for you lifted us up and, sweetly, carried us through. We were gliding on these wings made of pure strength and love, and are forever grateful for your life and the hearts that you captured along the way. You are rockin' the house indeed lil' love. So proud. So very, very proud :)
Thank you EVERYONE for surrounding us with such delightful, love. Thank you, thank you, THANK you. Not a second goes by that I don't appreciate it, and I will hold it in my heart for many days to come :)