Death of a Superhero

A Family's Story about Courage, Bravery and the Defining Moments of LOVE

Our sweet, lil' baby love lost his battle to AML Leukemia on March 8, 2010. We fought long, hard and very aggressively for 2.5 years, only to have his cancer come back for the fourth time to finally take his life. He was only 3 years old.

This entire blog is about Hunter's amazing journey. It's about his life and his love......his determination and his courage.......his absolutely, brilliant personality, and the affect he's had on people all over the world.

He's left an unimaginable footprint on this earth and has changed the lives of thousands of individuals. People who didn't realize how precious life was, now live it with extreme gratefulness. People who took every minute they get to spend with their children for granted, now savor every last second. And people who weren't quite sure what love is all about, now love deeper, love stronger and love with every ounce of their soul.

People all around the world have shared their love, their well wishes, their prayers and their inspiration, and we could have NEVER achieved as much as we did without them. We are humbled by their generosity & their true friendships & are forever grateful for every last person that has come into our lives through our experience with Hunter. He was our precious baby love who we loved and cherished with all our hearts and we are forever crushed and terribly, broken-hearted.

Dance in the clouds baby cakes. Mom & dad are watching proudly & you will remain so very close to our hearts for all of eternity.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

A day in the life......

I try to alternate between good posts and sappy ones....but sometimes the turn of events just doesn't allow that.

I feel as if I have said it, and said it, and said it.....but it can never be enough, and a simple "Thank You" just doesn't seem to cut it. Our families and friends and every other supporter out there that has sent in love and positive energy and prayers and gifts for Hunter and donations and've blown us away with your kindness and you will forever be on our life pedestal of love and appreciation. You've carried our family above such raging waters, you've brightened our days with what seems to be a power 100 times the strength of the sun, and you continue to bring it to the forefront of our minds that we have everything in the world to fight for. I feel as if soooooo many of you are traveling with us on our nightmare boat ride and not one of you is jumping matter how out of control those waves get. It's obviously taking a whole army to defeat this monster and I couldn't be more proud of the warriors that stand with us.

I honestly feel as if sometimes I can't move and you've given me back my limbs to take that next step forward. Sometimes my mind is just complete mush......and you've handed it back to me on a golden platter so that I can think straight without panic. And sometimes I feel as if my face is full of sadness and you've given me back my lips to smile.

You've swooped down like angels and have taken all three of us under your wings and I've never felt so warm and safe and protected.

My child's life is no longer a guarantee. No child's life ever is, but in our case - it's written on the wall as you enter into our house and home. It's become our life plaque and can't and won't ever be forgotten. Every single moment is thoroughly enjoyed and held extremely close to our hearts.

I won't let Hunter go and I know that each and every one of you represents a muscle in my body that tightens and gets stronger with every daily challenge. I feel as if I have the fire of a beast within and I will keep it burning....... for the hardest part is yet to come.

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU. Please know that we take nothing for granted and everything that you've all done has been a tremendous help and has made a huge difference in our day to day life in the hospital. It can get pretty sad in here, but for the most part........we try to stay upbeat and positive and keep the laughter going. It truly is one of the best remedies. Too bad they can't wrap that up in a bottle and sell it.

Here is a tube of Red Blood Cells going into Hunter's body. He gets transfused almost every other day with either red blood cells or platelets.

The bag of blood it's coming from - good stuff.

Hunter kicked back with one eye on the door. He is usually very suspicious of anyone that walks through it - with good reason.

Hunter gets Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy about every other day. Super helpful and gets him up and groovin'. He seems to dig the ladies. Hence his preference to wear very little clothes when they are around.

Hunter playing with his toys on his bed when he's connected to the IV pole getting his medicine. I feel as if he's grown up so much and just seems to "know the deal".

Hunter looking at dad for some reassurance. He knows something bad is about to go down and he's not liking it. It's his weekly bandage change to clean up the hole in his arm where the antibiotics and chemo are injected through a tube. Pretty sensitive area and his skin is now slightly raw from having it done so many times.

He screamed like a banshee this last Monday and his eyes were puffy all day from crying so hard. I've never heard him cry "ow" so loud and with such anger and sadness. Broke our hearts and made us feel sick. That's usually when we have to look the other way real quick to wipe away the tears flowing down our cheeks.

Always something good though by nighttime. We usually crack each other up. He's a great joke teller.

Sneaking a peak when he knows he's supposed to be sleeping.

1 comment:

Kat said...

I just saw that Zen's picture made it on People magazine's website-- Congrats! That is exciting, I hope it lifts your spirits thru all of the challenges. Also, please kiss Hunter for me and know that I will continue to pray for him and you. You guys are never far from my thoughts!